How The Theory of Evolution is Misunderstood
By Jon Therkildsen, MSc MBA from University of Århus (2004)
The Theory of Evolution in a nutshell and just three bullet points:
stochastic mutations happen over time in the genome of plants and animals
sometimes these mutations may result in some form of benefit that will manifest in survival or procreation. Called “Natural Selection”.
those mutations that will be passed on in generations will eventually accumulate and evolve the species into something new or different
The Theory of Evolution seems to be significantly misunderstood. Not for its technical composition, which is vast and much more complicated than what many realize, but more regarding its image and primary message.
It is commonly understood to reference Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. In modern biology, however, it is broader and has since “evolved” to encapsulate much more. Today, it is typically labeled: “Evolutionary Biology” or “Evolutionary Theory.” It is the backbone of Biology as a natural science.
For those who may wonder on a somewhat general level what is NOT wrong with it, here you are:
That it gets flagged for being “just” a Theory. In scientific terms, a well-tested theory is what we ever hope for in science. To a scholar, there is nothing above a well-tested and accepted theory. And so “just” it certainly isn’t. More on that here: JUST A THEORY.
That it is criticized for being complemented or re-contextualized to accumulating new knowledge. Any Theory that is “alive” and continuously built upon is a sign of strength and not weakness. Moreover, the Theory of Evolution has proven its usefulness way beyond the original area of focus, necessitating further tuning, which in turn has given rise to other augmented theories from many unrelated fields of science.
That it does not have much evidence when it is one the best-tested theories out here (perhaps the best?). It continues to surprise us in its capabilities to predict and describe natural phenomena in areas that I know even Darwin would be surprised about (like in DNA or virology).
That it is goal-oriented and can foretell where something will evolve to, when, in fact, it cannot. Evolution is not predictable in the sense that it is aimed at some superior form. It can only explain how something evolved (from past to now) and assess which mutations ought to survive. Only the history of the evolution can be rationalized, not its future orientation.
The Theory of Evolution states that mutations in the genome occur stochastically over time, and this fact of nature will eventually accumulate into different species. The thing is, these genetic mutations and what they are, are random. They are unknowable. We cannot foresee which will mutate, when, and to what.
That “evolution” is from The Theory of Evolution. It is not, and as a thing, it was never really a debate. It was an obvious observation in nature and utilized by human cultures in millennia, discarded by few - if any. No one doubts it, or if they do, they have zero concepts about what farming is. This includes the Catholic Church and most religions. Vatican City publicly supports The Theory of Evolution. And it is worth knowing that its mechanics were broadly and scientifically discussed long before Darwin was even born. What Darwin did, was that he gave an explanation to evolution and so also a scientific tool. He did not “discover” evolution itself.
That the Theory of Evolution contradicts the idea of a creator. It doesn’t. Indeed, it can lead to views where an omnipotent creator is not required, but The Theory of Evolution does not reject the notion of one. It is an entirely different area of thought. It is describing the mechanics of nature, not its purpose.
The Theory of Evolution seems misunderstood and misrepresented among the laypersons. And that is a shame. It is one of the most important and beneficial life changing scientific tools we have. Not just for biology, but in other branches of science as well - including, not least, medicine.
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