This is Why the Glasses Work for Clark Kent & Superman
By Jon Therkildsen
How can Clark Kent hide behind glasses, and not be recognized as Superman?
Using glasses as his disguise is often ridiculed as a dumb idea, but is it really?
Who do you think Elon Musk is, when he is not Elon?
Who do you think Tom Cruise, is when he is not Tom?
We do not think anything like that, do we? And why would we? Who do you think Superman is, when he is not Superman?
You would not think like that, because why would he be someone else? Why would Elon Musk? Why would Tom Cruise?
The answer to this question is that his glasses work because they are not needed.
Superman is considered this perfect god flying around, good looking and one hell of a guy. Always there when you need him. NO ONE really has any reasons to think he might have some secret identity…. I mean why would he? He doesn’t wear a mask, his origin and story etc. are all common knowledge. He is not human, he doesn't appear to have an exotic night job like Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker… he is just who he is, and all the time.
Yes, the glasses and his changed personal representation is indeed cloaking any potential resemblance. But the biggest reason his little “show” work, is, frankly, because Superman doesn’t need any secret identity; he is an alien who flies around in plain sight.
The mere fact that people might look for him among normal people, would make sense for someone like Spider-man as it is obvious this character must have another identity, but not for the man of steel.
None of us thinks Tom Cruise has a secret identity, because why would he?…. but hey, even he sometimes dress up and get around. My point is that the glasses work because they are not needed… they support the just-in-case scenario, and I suspect perhaps it is more for the comfort of Superman himself, so he doesn’t have to worry if his blue eyes might ignite this far out crazy thought that good old Clark might be someone else entirely.
What About Batman Then? How can nobody see he is Bruce Wayne?
Imagine reading about Batman in the newspapers some day. You will hear about the dark creature-like menace roaming the nights of Gotham. Taking down scum and yet hunted by the Police also. Sure, I would be curious as hell… but my curiosity would lead me to some evil lair in the back alleys or to an abandoned warehouse where he rests until nightfall, or to perhaps some secret military operation. Certainly not to one of the Kardashian’s.
It may be evident to those in the know, like Alfred or even Gordon - who refuses to know. The thing is, few are in the know and those of us who are not, are not thinking who the Batman is when he is not the Batman. He is always the Batman, isn't he? Of course, he is…
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